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Package Diff: tap @ 12.5.3 .. 12.6.0


@@ -1,814 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-'use strict'
-const node = process.execPath
-const fs = require('fs')
-const spawn = require('child_process').spawn
-const fg = require('foreground-child')
-const opener = require('opener')
-const colorSupport = require('color-support')
-const nycBin = require.resolve('nyc/bin/nyc.js')
-const glob = require('glob')
-const isexe = require('isexe')
-const osHomedir = require('os-homedir')
-const yaml = require('js-yaml')
-const path = require('path')
-const exists = require('fs-exists-cached').sync
-const os = require('os')
-const isTTY = process.stdin.isTTY || process.env._TAP_IS_TTY === '1'
-const tsNode = require.resolve(
- 'ts-node/' + require('ts-node/package.json').bin['ts-node']
-const coverageServiceTest = process.env.COVERAGE_SERVICE_TEST === 'true'
-// NYC will not wrap a module in node_modules.
-// So, we need to tell the child proc when it's been added.
-// Of course, this can't reasonably be branch-covered, so ignore it.
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-if (process.env._TAP_COVERAGE_ === '1')
- global.__coverage__ = global.__coverage__ || {}
-else if (process.env._TAP_COVERAGE_ === '0') {
- global.__coverage__ = null
- Object.keys(process.env).filter(k => /NYC/.test(k)).forEach(k =>
- process.env[k] = '')
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-if (coverageServiceTest)
- console.log('COVERAGE_SERVICE_TEST')
-// Add new coverage services here.
-// it'll check for the environ named and pipe appropriately.
-// Currently only Coveralls is supported, but the infrastructure
-// is left in place in case some noble soul fixes the codecov
-// module in the future. See
-const coverageServices = [
- {
- bin: require.resolve('coveralls/bin/coveralls.js'),
- name: 'Coveralls'
- }
-const main = _ => {
- const args = process.argv.slice(2)
- // set default args
- const defaults = constructDefaultArgs()
- // parse dotfile
- const rcFile = process.env.TAP_RCFILE || (osHomedir() + '/.taprc')
- const rcOptions = parseRcFile(rcFile)
- // supplement defaults with parsed rc options
- Object.keys(rcOptions).forEach(k =>
- defaults[k] = rcOptions[k])
- defaults.rcFile = rcFile
- // parse args
- const options = parseArgs(args, defaults)
- if (!options)
- return
- process.stdout.on('error', er => {
- /* istanbul ignore else */
- if (er.code === 'EPIPE')
- process.exit()
- else
- throw er
- })
- options.files = globFiles(options.files)
- if (!args.length && !options.files.length && isTTY) {
- console.error(usage())
- process.exit(1)
- }
- // this is only testable by escaping from the covered environment
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- if ((options.coverageReport || options.checkCoverage) &&
- options.files.length === 0)
- return runCoverageReport(options)
- if (options.files.length === 0) {
- console.error('Reading TAP data from stdin (use "-" argument to suppress)')
- options.files.push('-')
- }
- if (options.files.length === 1 && options.files[0] === '-') {
- if (options.coverage)
- console.error('Coverage disabled because stdin cannot be instrumented')
- setupTapEnv(options)
- stdinOnly(options)
- return
- }
- // By definition, the next block cannot be covered, because
- // they are only relevant when coverage is turned off.
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- if (options.coverage && !global.__coverage__) {
- return respawnWithCoverage(options)
- }
- setupTapEnv(options)
- runTests(options)
-const constructDefaultArgs = _ => {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- const defaultTimeout = global.__coverage__ ? 240 : 30
- const defaultArgs = {
- nodeArgs: [ '-r', require.resolve('esm') ],
- nycArgs: [],
- testArgs: [],
- timeout: +process.env.TAP_TIMEOUT || defaultTimeout,
- color: !!colorSupport.level,
- reporter: null,
- files: [],
- grep: [],
- grepInvert: false,
- bail: false,
- saveFile: null,
- pipeToService: false,
- coverageReport: null,
- browser: true,
- coverage: undefined,
- checkCoverage: false,
- branches: 0,
- functions: 0,
- lines: 0,
- statements: 0,
- jobs: 1,
- outputFile: null,
- comments: false
- }
- if (process.env.TAP_COLORS !== undefined)
- defaultArgs.color = !!(+process.env.TAP_COLORS)
- return defaultArgs
-const parseArgs = (args, options) => {
- const singleFlags = {
- b: 'bail',
- B: 'no-bail',
- i: 'invert',
- I: 'no-invert',
- c: 'color',
- C: 'no-color',
- T: 'no-timeout',
- J: 'jobs-auto',
- O: 'only',
- h: 'help',
- '?': 'help',
- v: 'version'
- }
- const singleOpts = {
- j: 'jobs',
- g: 'grep',
- R: 'reporter',
- t: 'timeout',
- s: 'save',
- o: 'output-file'
- }
- // If we're running under Travis-CI with a token,
- // then it's a safe bet that we ought to output coverage.
- for (let i = 0; i < coverageServices.length && !options.pipeToService; i++) {
- /* istanbul ignore next */
- if (process.env[coverageServices[i].env])
- options.pipeToService = true
- }
- let defaultCoverage = options.pipeToService
- let dumpConfig = false
- for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
- const arg = args[i]
- if (arg.charAt(0) !== '-' || arg === '-') {
- options.files.push(arg)
- continue
- }
- // short-flags
- if (arg.charAt(1) !== '-' && arg !== '-gc') {
- const expand = []
- for (let f = 1; f < arg.length; f++) {
- const fc = arg.charAt(f)
- const sf = singleFlags[fc]
- const so = singleOpts[fc]
- if (sf)
- expand.push('--' + sf)
- else if (so) {
- const soslice = arg.slice(f + 1)
- const soval = soslice.charAt(0) === '=' ? soslice : '=' + soslice
- expand.push('--' + so + soval)
- f = arg.length
- } else if (arg !== '-' + fc)
- expand.push('-' + fc)
- }
- if (expand.length) {
- args.splice.apply(args, [i, 1].concat(expand))
- i--
- continue
- }
- }
- const argsplit = arg.split('=')
- const key = argsplit.shift()
- const val = argsplit.length ? argsplit.join('=') : null
- switch (key) {
- case '--help':
- console.log(usage())
- return null
- case '--dump-config':
- dumpConfig = true
- continue
- case '--nyc-help':
- nycHelp()
- return null
- case '--nyc-version':
- nycVersion()
- return null
- case '--version':
- console.log(require('../package.json').version)
- return null
- case '--jobs':
- = +(val || args[++i])
- continue
- case '--jobs-auto':
- = +os.cpus().length
- continue
- case '--coverage-report':
- options.coverageReport = val || args[++i]
- if (options.coverageReport === 'html')
- options.coverageReport = 'lcov'
- defaultCoverage = true
- continue
- case '--no-browser':
- options.browser = false
- continue
- case '--no-coverage-report':
- options.coverageReport = false
- continue
- case '--no-cov': case '--no-coverage':
- options.coverage = false
- continue
- case '--cov': case '--coverage':
- options.coverage = true
- continue
- case '--save':
- options.saveFile = val || args[++i]
- continue
- case '--reporter':
- options.reporter = val || args[++i]
- continue
- case '--gc': case '-gc': case '--expose-gc':
- options.nodeArgs.push('--expose-gc')
- continue
- case '--strict':
- options.nodeArgs.push('--use_strict')
- continue
- case '--debug':
- options.nodeArgs.push('--debug')
- continue
- case '--debug-brk':
- options.nodeArgs.push('--debug-brk')
- continue
- case '--harmony':
- options.nodeArgs.push('--harmony')
- continue
- case '--node-arg': {
- const v = val || args[++i]
- if (v !== undefined)
- options.nodeArgs.push(v)
- continue
- }
- case '--check-coverage':
- defaultCoverage = true
- options.checkCoverage = true
- continue
- case '--test-arg': {
- const v = val || args[++i]
- if (v !== undefined)
- options.testArgs.push(v)
- continue
- }
- case '--nyc-arg': {
- const v = val || args[++i]
- if (v !== undefined)
- options.nycArgs.push(v)
- continue
- }
- case '--100':
- defaultCoverage = true
- options.checkCoverage = true
- options.branches = 100
- options.functions = 100
- options.lines = 100
- options.statements = 100
- continue
- case '--branches':
- case '--functions':
- case '--lines':
- case '--statements':
- defaultCoverage = true
- options.checkCoverage = true
- options[key.slice(2)] = +(val || args[++i])
- continue
- case '--color':
- options.color = true
- continue
- case '--no-color':
- options.color = false
- continue
- case '--output-file': {
- const v = val || args[++i]
- if (v !== undefined)
- options.outputFile = v
- continue
- }
- case '--no-timeout':
- options.timeout = 0
- continue
- case '--timeout':
- options.timeout = +(val || args[++i])
- continue
- case '--invert':
- options.grepInvert = true
- continue
- case '--no-invert':
- options.grepInvert = false
- continue
- case '--grep': {
- const v = val || args[++i]
- if (v !== undefined)
- options.grep.push(strToRegExp(v))
- continue
- }
- case '--bail':
- options.bail = true
- continue
- case '--no-bail':
- options.bail = false
- continue
- case '--only':
- options.only = true
- continue
- case '--comments':
- options.comments = true
- continue
- case '--':
- options.files = options.files.concat(args.slice(i + 1))
- i = args.length
- continue
- default:
- throw new Error('Unknown argument: ' + arg)
- }
- }
- if (options.coverage === undefined)
- options.coverage = defaultCoverage
- if (process.env.TAP === '1')
- options.reporter = 'tap'
- // default to tap for non-tty envs
- if (!options.reporter)
- options.reporter = options.color ? 'classic' : 'tap'
- if (dumpConfig)
- return console.log(JSON.stringify(options, null, 2))
- return options
-// Obviously, this bit isn't going to ever be covered, because
-// it only runs when we DON'T have coverage enabled, to enable it.
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const respawnWithCoverage = options => {
- // Re-spawn with coverage
- const args = [nycBin].concat(
- '--silent',
- '--cache=true',
- options.nycArgs,
- '--',
- process.execArgv,
- process.argv.slice(1)
- )
- process.env._TAP_COVERAGE_ = '1'
- const child = fg(node, args)
- child.removeAllListeners('close')
- child.on('close', (code, signal) =>
- runCoverageReport(options, code, signal))
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const pipeToCoverageServices = (options, child) => {
- let piped = false
- for (let i = 0; i < coverageServices.length; i++) {
- if (process.env[coverageServices[i].env]) {
- pipeToCoverageService(coverageServices[i], options, child)
- piped = true
- }
- }
- if (!piped)
- throw new Error('unknown service, internal error')
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const pipeToCoverageService = (service, options, child) => {
- let bin = service.bin
- if (coverageServiceTest) {
- // test scaffolding.
- // don't actually send stuff to the service
- bin = require.resolve('../test-legacy/fixtures/cat.js')
- console.log('%s:%s',, process.env[service.env])
- }
- const ca = spawn(node, [bin], {
- stdio: [ 'pipe', 1, 2 ]
- })
- child.stdout.pipe(ca.stdin)
- ca.on('close', (code, signal) =>
- signal ? process.kill(, signal)
- : code ? console.log('Error piping coverage to ' +
- : console.log('Successfully piped to ' +
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const runCoverageReport = (options, code, signal) =>
- signal ? null
- : options.checkCoverage ? runCoverageCheck(options, code, signal)
- : runCoverageReportOnly(options, code, signal)
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const runCoverageReportOnly = (options, code, signal) => {
- const close = (s, c) => {
- if (signal || s) {
- setTimeout(() => {}, 200)
- process.kill(, signal || s)
- } else if (code || c)
- process.exit(code || c)
- }
- if (options.coverageReport === false)
- return close(code, signal)
- if (!options.coverageReport) {
- if (options.pipeToService || coverageServiceTest)
- options.coverageReport = 'text-lcov'
- else
- options.coverageReport = 'text'
- }
- const args = [nycBin, 'report', '--reporter', options.coverageReport]
- let child
- // automatically hook into coveralls
- if (options.coverageReport === 'text-lcov' && options.pipeToService) {
- child = spawn(node, args, { stdio: [ 0, 'pipe', 2 ] })
- pipeToCoverageServices(options, child)
- } else {
- // otherwise just run the reporter
- child = fg(node, args)
- if (options.coverageReport === 'lcov' && options.browser)
- child.on('exit', () =>
- opener('coverage/lcov-report/index.html'))
- }
- if (code || signal) {
- child.removeAllListeners('close')
- child.on('close', close)
- }
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const coverageCheckArgs = options => {
- const args = []
- if (options.branches)
- args.push('--branches', options.branches)
- if (options.functions)
- args.push('--functions', options.functions)
- if (options.lines)
- args.push('--lines', options.lines)
- if (options.statements)
- args.push('--statements', options.statements)
- return args
-/* istanbul ignore next */
-const runCoverageCheck = (options, code, signal) => {
- const args = [nycBin, 'check-coverage'].concat(coverageCheckArgs(options))
- const child = fg(node, args)
- child.removeAllListeners('close')
- child.on('close', (c, s) =>
- runCoverageReportOnly(options, code || c, signal || s))
-const usage = _ => fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/usage.txt', 'utf8')
- .split('@@REPORTERS@@')
- .join(getReporters())
-const nycHelp = _ => fg(node, [nycBin, '--help'])
-const nycVersion = _ => console.log(require('nyc/package.json').version)
-const getReporters = _ => {
- const types = require('tap-mocha-reporter').types.reduce((str, t) => {
- const ll = str.split('\n').pop().length + t.length
- if (ll < 40)
- return str + ' ' + t
- else
- return str + '\n' + t
- }, '').trim()
- const ind = ' '
- return ind + types.split('\n').join('\n' + ind)
-const setupTapEnv = options => {
- process.env.TAP_TIMEOUT = options.timeout
- if (options.color)
- process.env.TAP_COLORS = '1'
- else
- process.env.TAP_COLORS = '0'
- if (options.bail)
- process.env.TAP_BAIL = '1'
- if (options.grepInvert)
- process.env.TAP_GREP_INVERT = '1'
- if (options.grep.length)
- process.env.TAP_GREP = => p.toString())
- .join('\n')
- if (options.only)
- process.env.TAP_ONLY = '1'
-const globFiles = files => files.reduce((acc, f) =>
- acc.concat(f === '-' ? f : glob.sync(f, { nonull: true })), [])
-const makeReporter = options =>
- new (require('tap-mocha-reporter'))(options.reporter)
-const stdinOnly = options => {
- // if we didn't specify any files, then just passthrough
- // to the reporter, so we don't get '/dev/stdin' in the suite list.
- // We have to pause() before piping to switch streams2 into old-mode
- process.stdin.pause()
- const reporter = makeReporter(options)
- process.stdin.pipe(reporter)
- if (options.outputFile !== null)
- process.stdin.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(options.outputFile))
- process.stdin.resume()
-const readSaveFile = options => {
- if (options.saveFile)
- try {
- const s = fs.readFileSync(options.saveFile, 'utf8').trim()
- if (s)
- return s.split('\n')
- } catch (er) {}
- return null
-const saveFails = (options, tap) => {
- if (!options.saveFile)
- return
- let fails = []
- const successes = []
- tap.on('result', res => {
- // we will continue to re-run todo tests, even though they're
- // not technically "failures".
- if (!res.ok && !res.extra.skip)
- fails.push(res.extra.file)
- else
- successes.push(res.extra.file)
- })
- const save = () => {
- fails = fails.reduce((set, f) => {
- f = f.replace(/\\/g, '/')
- if (set.indexOf(f) === -1)
- set.push(f)
- return set
- }, [])
- if (!fails.length)
- try {
- fs.unlinkSync(options.saveFile)
- } catch (er) {}
- else
- try {
- fs.writeFileSync(options.saveFile, fails.join('\n') + '\n')
- } catch (er) {}
- }
- tap.on('bailout', reason => {
- // add any pending test files to the fails list.
- fails.push.apply(fails, options.files.filter(file =>
- successes.indexOf(file) === -1))
- save()
- })
- tap.on('end', save)
-const filterFiles = (files, saved, parallelOk) =>
- files.filter(file =>
- path.basename(file) === 'tap-parallel-ok' ?
- ((parallelOk[path.resolve(path.dirname(file))] = true), false)
- : path.basename(file) === 'tap-parallel-not-ok' ?
- parallelOk[path.resolve(path.dirname(file))] = false
- : onSavedList(saved, file)
- )
-// check if the file is on the list, or if it's a parent dir of
-// any items that are on the list.
-const onSavedList = (saved, file) =>
- !saved || !saved.length ? true
- : saved.indexOf(file) !== -1 ? true
- : saved.some(f => f.indexOf(file + '/') === 0)
-const isParallelOk = (parallelOk, file) => {
- const dir = path.resolve(path.dirname(file))
- return (dir in parallelOk) ? parallelOk[dir]
- : exists(dir + '/tap-parallel-ok')
- ? parallelOk[dir] = true
- : exists(dir + '/tap-parallel-not-ok')
- ? parallelOk[dir] = false
- : dir.length >= process.cwd().length
- ? isParallelOk(parallelOk, dir)
- : true
-const runAllFiles = (options, saved, tap) => {
- let doStdin = false
- let parallelOk = Object.create(null)
- options.files = filterFiles(options.files, saved, parallelOk)
- let tapChildId = 0
- for (let i = 0; i < options.files.length; i++) {
- const opt = {}
- const file = options.files[i]
- // Pick up stdin after all the other files are handled.
- if (file === '-') {
- doStdin = true
- continue
- }
- let st
- try {
- st = fs.statSync(file)
- } catch (er) {
- continue
- }
- if (options.timeout)
- opt.timeout = options.timeout * 1000
- opt.file = file
- opt.childId = tapChildId++
- if (st.isDirectory()) {
- const dir = filterFiles(fs.readdirSync(file).map(f =>
- file + '/' + f), saved, parallelOk)
- options.files.push.apply(options.files, dir)
- } else {
- if ( > 1)
- opt.buffered = isParallelOk(parallelOk, file) !== false
- if (file.match(/\.m?js$/)) {
- const args = options.nodeArgs.concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
- tap.spawn(node, args, opt, file)
- } else if (file.match(/\.ts$/)) {
- const args = options.nodeArgs.concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
- tap.spawn(tsNode, args, opt, file)
- } else if (isexe.sync(options.files[i]))
- tap.spawn(options.files[i], options.testArgs, opt, file)
- }
- }
- if (doStdin)
- tap.stdin()
-const runTests = options => {
- const saved = readSaveFile(options)
- // At this point, we know we need to use the tap root,
- // because there are 1 or more files to spawn.
- const tap = require('../lib/tap.js')
- if (options.comments) {
- const onComment = c => {
- if (!c.match(/^# (time=[0-9\.]+m?s|Subtest(: .+))\n$/))
- console.error(c.substr(2).trim())
- }
- const onChild = p => {
- p.on('comment', onComment)
- p.on('child', onChild)
- }
- tap.parser.on('comment', onComment)
- tap.parser.on('child', onChild)
- }
- tap.runOnly = false
- // greps are passed to children, but not the runner itself
- tap.grep = []
- =
- tap.patchProcess()
- // if not -Rtap, then output what the user wants.
- // otherwise just dump to stdout
- tap.pipe(options.reporter === 'tap' ? process.stdout: makeReporter(options))
- // need to replay the first version line, because the previous
- // line will have flushed it out to stdout or the reporter already.
- if (options.outputFile !== null)
- tap.pipe(fs.createWriteStream(options.outputFile)).write('TAP version 13\n')
- saveFails(options, tap)
- runAllFiles(options, saved, tap)
- tap.end()
-const parseRcFile = path => {
- try {
- const contents = fs.readFileSync(path, 'utf8')
- return yaml.safeLoad(contents) || {}
- } catch (er) {
- // if no dotfile exists, or invalid yaml, fail gracefully
- return {}
- }
-const strToRegExp = g => {
- const p = g.match(/^\/(.*)\/([a-z]*)$/)
- g = p ? p[1] : g
- const flags = p ? p[2] : ''
- return new RegExp(g, flags)


@@ -124,13 +124,14 @@
const defaultTimeout = global.__coverage__ ? 240 : 30
const defaultArgs = {
- nodeArgs: [ '-r', require.resolve('esm') ],
+ nodeArgs: [],
nycArgs: [],
testArgs: [],
timeout: +process.env.TAP_TIMEOUT || defaultTimeout,
color: !!colorSupport.level,
reporter: null,
files: [],
+ esm: true,
grep: [],
grepInvert: false,
bail: false,
@@ -262,6 +263,14 @@
defaultCoverage = true
+ case '--no-esm':
+ options.esm = false
+ continue
+ case '--esm':
+ options.esm = true
+ continue
case '--no-browser':
options.browser = false
@@ -706,6 +715,7 @@
options.files = filterFiles(options.files, saved, parallelOk)
let tapChildId = 0
+ const esmArg = options.esm ? ['-r', require.resolve('esm')] : []
for (let i = 0; i < options.files.length; i++) {
const opt = {}
@@ -738,10 +748,10 @@
opt.buffered = isParallelOk(parallelOk, file) !== false
if (file.match(/\.m?js$/)) {
- const args = options.nodeArgs.concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
+ const args = esmArg.concat(options.nodeArgs).concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
tap.spawn(node, args, opt, file)
} else if (file.match(/\.ts$/)) {
- const args = options.nodeArgs.concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
+ const args = esmArg.concat(options.nodeArgs).concat(file).concat(options.testArgs)
tap.spawn(tsNode, args, opt, file)
} else if (isexe.sync(options.files[i]))
tap.spawn(options.files[i], options.testArgs, opt, file)


@@ -17,6 +17,11 @@
+ --esm Support ES Modules in *.js and *.mjs files.
+ (Default)
+ --no-esm Do not add support for ES Modules.
-j<n> --jobs=<n> Run up to <n> test files in parallel
Note that this causes tests to be run in
"buffered" mode, so line-by-line results


@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"name": "tap",
- "version": "12.5.3",
+ "version": "12.6.0",
"author": "Isaac Z. Schlueter <> (",
"description": "A Test-Anything-Protocol library",
"homepage": "",
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
"color-support": "^1.1.0",
"coveralls": "^3.0.2",
"domain-browser": "^1.2.0",
- "esm": "^3.2.3",
+ "esm": "^3.2.5",
"foreground-child": "^1.3.3",
"fs-exists-cached": "^1.0.0",
"function-loop": "^1.0.1",
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
"signal-exit": "^3.0.0",
"source-map-support": "^0.5.10",
"stack-utils": "^1.0.2",
- "tap-mocha-reporter": "^3.0.7",
+ "tap-mocha-reporter": "^3.0.9",
"tap-parser": "^7.0.0",
"tmatch": "^4.0.0",
"trivial-deferred": "^1.0.1",
@@ -60,8 +60,8 @@
"repository": "",
"scripts": {
"regen-fixtures": "node scripts/generate-test-test.js test-legacy/test/*.js",
- "snap": "TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 node bin/run.js test/*.js -J",
- "test": "node bin/run.js test/*.js --100 -J --nyc-arg=--include={lib,bin} -c",
+ "snap": "TAP_SNAPSHOT=1 node bin/run.js --no-esm test/*.js -J",
+ "test": "node bin/run.js --no-esm test/*.js --100 -J --nyc-arg=--include={lib,bin} -c",
"test-all": "node bin/run.js test/*.js test-legacy/*.js --100 -J --nyc-arg=--include={lib,bin} && npm run test-browser",
"test-browser": "node browser-test.js",
"unit": "bash scripts/",
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
"karma-spec-reporter": "0.0.32",
"mocha": "^5.0.1",
"standard": "^12.0.1",
- "watchify": "^3.11.0",
+ "watchify": "^3.11.1",
"which": "^1.3.1"
"files": [